Peach Fuzz combines the talents of Samia, Raffaella, Hank (Sara L’Abriola) and Ryann (Victoria Zaro), alongside producers Sachi DiSerafino, Caleb Hinz and Lupin (Jake Luppen). The collective’s members have a broad range of individual accolades, including an AJR vocal feature, writing credit on several Tate McRae songs, and a remix for a Wallows chart-topping hit.
Over the years, several of Peach Fuzz’s members have worked together, touring, producing and writing over friendships that have been established over several years. Now in their mid-20s, connections that were formed in adolescence have come together to create the supergroup.
Picked up by Sylan Esso’s record label Psychic Hotline, Peach Fuzz’s debut EP was released on July 22, 2022. The four-track project takes its title from each of its songs, named Can Mary Dood The Moon?. The nonsensical title teases at the fun the group had in the making of the EP, reminding listeners that the project was birthed by a group of friends hanging out in the studio.
Hey Dood acts as both the album opener and introductory single, setting the vibe for the Peach Fuzz project. The track comically narrates a party meet-cute, name-dropping Ted Bundy and a cousin called Hillary – whose real-life existence is up in the air.
One of the track’s lines may be a subtle nod to the members' other talents, singing “I’m so in love with who I could’ve been // If I had been born a better actress.” Both Samia and Raffaella have appeared in the occasional film or series, including Netflix’s Along For The Ride (Samia) and Noah Wise (Raffaella).
This pre-chorus perfectly encapsulates the thoughts of a socially awkward overthinker, revisiting the night, imagining what would’ve happened had their perfectly formulated plan worked. Of the four artists, Hey Dood sounds most like Raffaella’s recent work, particularly her June 2022 single BUICK.
Shaking the Can follows, highlighting the four-piece’s vocal ability, with gorgeous harmonies littered throughout. The track opens with an ear-wormy guitar piece that is adapted for the chorus. Later in the track, a sick guitar solo appears, cut short for the cappella outro.
This stripped-back ending eases the listener into the slower third track, I Saw the Moon. Fans of Samia’s solo work may see similarities in the track, with the stripped-back song reminiscent of Welcome To Eden and Does Not Heal. I Saw the Moon has intricate lyricism, showing off the group's combined vocabulary and writing skills.
"We got along like a house that's on fire
And I've just been sparking the lighter"
Can Mary Dood The Moon? closes with distorted guitar on Mary’s Gone Crackers. Unlike the previous songs, Mary’s Gone Crackers has an unusual song structure, breaking up verses with an instrumental chorus. The final seconds of the track include a faint "Woo!" in the background, a sweet way to end the EP.
Although the album's singles are the instant stand-outs, Can Mary Dood The Moon? has no skips. Despite only being 13 minutes long, the mix of songs have you sorted for a melancholy moment or a dance in the kitchen.
A limited run of peach-coloured vinyls are available on Psychic Hotline's webstore for purchase, or on Bandcamp if you prefer.
Peach Fuzz is Vic, Raff, Sam and Sara (not pictured).
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